Leadership Team

Denise Greene, MA
Executive Director
Denise is a recognized leader in providing high-quality family care. Prior to joining the agency in 2018, Denise had extensive experience in program development. She is known for both her strategic partnerships and her energetic communication skills. With such a fantastic team, we are confident WECC will be around for generations!
401-678-6148 execdir@wecc.net

Jennifer Bandy, MEd
Education Director
Jennifer Bandy joined the agency in 2018. After receiving her master’s degree in education from Providence College, Jen has had a lengthy career working in urban communities. After witnessing first-hand the social inequities that students face, she has developed innovative strategies to stimulate learning and facilitate staff development. She seeks sustainable change by closing the achievement gap in diverse socioeconomic populations. In addition to working at WECC, Jennifer is an Adjunct Professor at Providence College.

Olivia Martinez
Social Services Director
Olivia Martinez has worked at WECC for over 12 years. Olivia ensures the local community has much needed food, personal care items, and diapers available at the pantry. One of Olivia’s most impactful initiatives has been creating relationships with local senior citizens and distributing over 500 meal boxes monthly. She is instrumental in keeping our food pantry operating smoothly.

Melissa Pena
Fiscal Director
Everyone connected to WECC meets our administrator, Melissa. She welcomes all the families to Early Learning, enrolls the Youth, greets the clients in the Pantry and handles all of our business-related matters with a smile!!

Jack Lenz
State Officials

Dan McKee
Governor of Rhode Island
Governor McKee’s RI Vax Challenge incentive program awarded WECC a grant to support the critical work we have been doing to help our community during the pandemic.

Scott Slater
RI House Representative
RI House Representative Scott Slater has been representing District 10 since 2009. He continues to help build for our communities’ future, and supports WECC’s programming with annual grants that support our operating costs.

Ana B. Quezada
State Senator
For the past five years, State Senator Quezada has represented District 2. She currently sits on the Senate Education Committee. Each year WECC is awarded a grant for consumable classroom supplies.